Friday, December 12, 2014

Rest in Peace Tom Magliozzi

My mother emailed the day after Tom Magliozzi died to let me know.  At the time, for whatever reason, it did not register.

Yesterday morning, I began the Fresh Air from November 4th, 2014 and, sitting in my outhouse, Terry Gross informed me the Tom Magliozzi died yesterday.  For me, this was extremely heavy news.

Tom, along with his brother Ray, are the hosts of NPR´s Cartalk.  Cartalk has been a Saturday morning thing for as long as I can remember.  To this day, or at least up until the final day of being a car owner, I would always think of Cartalk if driving anywhere on a Saturday morning.

Tom was the philosophical brother.  He was the one who thought abstractly believing anything was possible.  His brother Ray ´´represented reality´´.  There was clearly more to Cartalk than just automotive diagnostics and jokes about their wives.  Did you know both brothers went to MIT?  Hats off to Terry Gross and producer Doug Berman for putting into words how it worked, what made it so special, and drawing distinctions between Tom and Ray, somethings a lot of listeners may not have been able to do on their own.

So rest in peace, Tom Magliozzi, a radio hero who will be greatly missed.  .

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