Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Flor de...[Part II]

White Radish

Pigeon Pea aka Gandulas

Abutilan Pictum, aka Flowering Maple aka Tropical Cotton.  Hummingbirds love it and we EVERYONE loves hummingbirds.

Friday, January 2, 2015

El Jocotel Blog Updated into a Modern Blog for 2015

I´ve added a couple subscription options when I found out I could designate a maximum 10 people to recieve my posts thru email.

If you´d like to get the updates, please enter your email address in the box screenright.  Even better, enter someone else´s email address.  Together, we could get readership to increase at an increasing rate instead of the current trend, which is better decribed as linear or even increasing at a decreasing rate.  There is also a Google Plus button.  I´m not sure what that one does.