Thursday, February 5, 2015

[Probably the Best] Jocotel Review [Ever]


Hi there,

I'm sitting right now by your front porch watching the flame of a candle dancing with the touch of the wind. The flame is not resisting to anything, she just moves gracefully. The moon is really big and shiny, painting everything on the hill with a magic glow. Just the biggest stars dared to make her company tonight. Nature is performing a sweet concert. Every sound penetrates my cells, changing their frequency. The river is singing, caressing my ears. Even the dogs respected this melody and stayed quiet.

I closed my eyes and felt embraced by all this energy. I felt so grateful that I started laughing and at the same time, I cried. Have you ever had that feeling? I laughed more and cried more, feeling so small compared to everything that surrounds me, but at the same time realizing I'm part of it. At this exact moment, I feel complete!

All of these make me realize the greatness in simplicity. Why we get stuck in many stupid dramas? Why we get lost in what is in the surface, instead of realizing the essence of everything? Why we think so much instead of just feeling?

 These days here were exactly what I needed at this moment. I was feeling like a dying flower back in my place, trying to decide between quitting [my job] or accepting that reality. But here, I got some sun, water, fresh soil and felt surrounded by other flowers, plants and trees. I blossomed again. Sweet Esperanza has been giving me warmth with her tiny, fury body. Right now, she is attacking my hand and pen while I'm trying to write.

As I told you, I felt like I was home here. Maybe after you, I was the second person to really love this place. I love its simplicity and how I feel embraced by nature and why not, the universe, too. It seems like a different reality here. I don't want to get back. I want to get lost in this moment. But the law of impermanence is always there.

I hope you keep it simple like now. You are really blessed. I hope you can give back to others, to the world, what life gives you.

Sorry if I have spelling or grammar mistakes. I can see you laughing, but I don't care. I just wanted to give you this words as a New Year's present. Thank you for the gift of letting me enjoy the sunrise without moving from bed. Thank you for sharing this space where I can enjoy the present moment, and I hope you don't make fun of this later.

Wish you the best,
[name withheld]

Written by a speaker of English as a second language. Edited slightly for privacy.

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